Interaktion mit Publikum / Der Öffentlichkeit
Möglicher Beitrag/Interaktion der Öffentlichkeit - sichtbar machen der Öffentlichkeit/Bevölkerung
Individuen und Relation zur Gruppe als Thematik / Gruppen dynamic
Etwas sichtbar machen / making the invisible visible

Wahrnehmungsverschiebung als Ziel - entfernen vom Alltags blick: 'wachrütteln'
Thinking about space as an artistic or designed medium
Action auf der Strasse / capturing action on the street

Gestaltung öffentlicher Orte - erfahrbar machen öffentlicher Orte
Bewegung von menschen/Lebewesen in der architektonischen Struktur

Räumliche Erfahrung
"Virtuality and reality both exist within our memories." - Seiko Mikami

> Look at Thomas Hawranke's work
*Braitenberg Vehicles: biological cybernetics
inventive, sinsetic psychologie attributing character to robot by viewer perception
Technology is defining how we are living
robots inspired by nature
What we are doing is developing for the society - that was the feeling for the artists
These artists are some of the founders for working with electronics - they form somehow the base that we currently built on; had they used technology in a different way would our works be also different now?
Norman White - pioneer art teacher
Homework: Graph 1: Interaktive art 1
Interactive Art 1 :

Robotic artwork that additionally inspired me: Andrea Anner and Thibault Brevet :
Homework: task week 2: Interaktive Art 2
Great artist: Hyungkoo Lee :

His works have something of a biologist as he studies the forms of species - an anatomical approach I can also adopt going forwards in my project, as I search for shapes related to both nature(the natural habitat of the organisms) and the human body.

In this concept (the connection between eco habitat and human body - interconnectedness of all living forms, which sometimes becomes visual) are also included ideas of human perception, the struggle to make understandable other organisms (e.g. animism as a technique) and domination over other life forms. Also relates is the superimposition of human coined terms like 'intelligence', 'memory', 'social behaviour' onto organisms that might not at all fit to those criteria. (Meaning: these terms have been generously mentioned in the study of Physarum but to me feel like they are wrong in their ontology / inappropriate for this form of organism (similar to text by Mitchell 'What do Pictures want?')

Also, at the heart of Hyungkoo Lee's practice is the ides of perceiving and sensing in new ways, through augmentations and wearable devices for instance, that allow us to perceive through the senses of another species.

I, similarly in my thoughts around the Physarum, am interested in how it might perceive surfaces and space, distances and how I might make that visible for humans.
Allan Wexler's work also deals with space through product design and architectural augmentations -
Paper on software exhibition - transmediale :
Homework: 9 - Media Architecture 9
Homework: task week 6: Eco-Art
Homework: task week 5: Algorithms in Art
Many links don't work for me and
I love so many of these performative pieces but have yet to understand their algorithmic characteristics >> algorthmic because the body carries out a set of instructions as an algorithm does, these pieces can be recreated by the set of instructions - the instructions / the code is the artwork, not the performance moment
How is self referentially meant?

self executing ..?
Algorithmic art by Ian Cheng - using a system of code to create individual interacting entities
Ralf Baecker :
Further artists that came up: 
Tuula Närhinen :
Like a design research with Artifacts to have multiple views on rain > I really like this approach of dealing with a subject
Roman Kirschner - Roots _ source:
CyberSpace/electrochemical closed circuit system - relates to this electrode work - Student work 2013 :
Some artists confuse new materials with new ideas.

To which degree can we hand over decisions to the computer - how much of the world is included in the rules we program into the computer?

Perceptual art - is not = conceptual art
computer art gives only impression of subjectivity, chain of decision-making is very opaque
Code = language of abstraction from our real world

Historical line of argumentation - so many things are hidden today
> Roman Kirschner + Gordon Paths

Memory + decisionmaking - Memristor
structured software - 'roots' artwork: organic, adapting - kupfer sulfat crystals
the more we rely on the interent the more our experiences turn into echo chambers - enforced feedback

What we did not know when we set up the system is not in it ... will be left behind- "we have to decide, because only with decision will there be the basis to move forward" - but there is so much possible error in this.

How to create systems that actually connect to the world and go beyond self referentiality?

For presentation 3 it's titled VR predecessors - but does the task/artefact need to be sight based or any sensory alteration?

>> it's about body as interface > any kind of sense

For algorithms in art task 'own environment' means it should be our room or have some special significance to us ? or can be done in the nature?
> own means anything , nature is most suitable

Aufgabe 4 - invent a performance; meaning reenact his performance but create an own sequence ? how long ? Why photographed and not filmed? & are the two references to the two artists to be worked out separately or should the performance relate to Walter Pichler's ideas of space? /Should it be clearly informed by them?

Aufgabe 8 ist etwas sonderbar formuliert ? Soll man nur über arbeiten schreiben/referieren die nicht in der Präsentation sind? Woher würde man die Arbeit von Davod Rokeyby kennen, presentation 1 ?

Task 9 for media architecture and performance 'media in the city' but a lot of the works are not really in the city, rather they are only public art and especially the artwork by Hyunkoo Lee I don't understand in this context?? The examples are so far apart in a way how would a list make sense ? things they all share? aspects that might include them in this field?

Bioart from the mail or from the upload - no task yet?

Also FIY some links aren't correctly linked? e.g. for Algorithms in Art


*ask if Ursula knows if I have to wait to hear back from kreativfonds before buying materials ..? 

Über Werkstatt ! sonst brauch kreativfonds 3 options to show least expensive
10 minutes end of semester presentation

what you've done
what you plan to do
issues you are going to solve
aesthetic of system : art and comm

closed system with independant agents that develop a behaviour on it's own - auto-poetic - bottom up - metallic spheres with own agency - we are just the moderator of the system - to physics ( makes us with our physical presence part of the game) interactivity moving away from pure representation of aesthetics centralised piece - many motors and one is directing, one matstermind - hierarchial - top down - set of rules/formula
as artist we should become aware of these underlying aesthetics of a system
to technology and what it can produce - just representation
interim presentation could be : applying for funding

final presentation: stage that it could be exhibited
short, precise, text ( 3 sentences if the right ones can be enough)
investigate into yourself if you are a designer or an artists
for grants/funding; precondition: have several finished works on your website
Homework: Task 3 : VR predecessors
Homework: Task 4
Algorithms = set of rules

> perform : create circle in park with Acorns or Tree-cones
I want to recreate this performative sculpture in the park with 'tannezapfen'
Will do 'Körperkonfigurationen' in our empty apartment.
I like the idea of creating very long nails in a different material, which would influence the sense of touch / tactility.
Go with - reference points
Go against -counterpoles
Body meets geometries of architecture
> deflate the body to the status of a spatial component > element in a lifeless sculpture
>> exaggerate this, add to it by being monotone in colour: Black
> white would be more interesting because I would collect dirt trace from one shape into the next creating a causality between them

> even considered morph suit?
> or more 'me' painting whole body - too extreme for the time frame and circumstances

each pose represents or alludes to an emotional or mental state
Link zu Photografien:
Homework: task week 7: Media Art essentials
Homework: task week 8: the digital Image
Homework: task week 10: Bioart