Space: In Berlin

Ideally I need 3 days in the space

1 to build the set
1 for rehearsals
1 for filming

Non-white walls !! ( EDIT: fix in post-production)

Maybe someone has a studio?

Try to look for galleries : e.g.
My 1st Human photoshoot was shoot in
a Gallery in Paris. ( Galerie Laurent Godin)

Mouthless was also shot in a Gallery (WallRiss in Fribourg Switzerland)
547EUR pro Tag
Galleries in Berlin: 

Keller -Julia Stochek Collection

Gallery König

Request the different designers
> Ninamounah
> Ximon Lee
> Situationist
Start with choreographer and cast
Could white/light walls be ok with enough haze?
Josch - if in Berlin at the time
Jannica Sandström

Aaron - Moritz - Jan - drinking biers?

Brandi as stylist?
Franzi as stylist?

> figure out how many people make sense
for 4 min approx.

> create more diversity in cast

> it's also more intimate with less people!!!!
Create lighting also through selfie-lights?
Possible to set lights from refrigerators?
Honestly, there isn't any point in doing it and making the effort if it isn't high quality >>> I NEED MONEY /FUNDING!

I favourite the Insta 360 Pro.
I prefer to film in 360 VR so that I have the footage and could possibly adapt it to 'tiny planet' type presentations or to be viewed in VR.
Based in Weimar
Find s student like this who will do it for free! 
360 needs good light > PLAN A LIGHTING SOLUTION with the light integrated in the scene..
But evenly because the light through window tends to burn-out the image..

Diverse Drohnen (keine 360 * according to Leon this doesn't exist also because you would have the drone in the image ) und Beispiele deren Bildqualität
This guy is in Weimar but the price is outrageous. Why do I want to have the drone it the first place? To create a feeling of chapters akin to Kelsey Lu's video? But also to try this new medium?
When I'm ready to contact Malina again I will ask what drone they used which she said wasn't too expensive and get someone who can fly a drone but is a student/ doesn't ask for money..
Mixed Media approach: Innovating: Genre-bending: Performance piece - Fashion film - Immersive 360° film and VR
film with Insta 360 Pro - the performance ON ONE DAY ?

film with the Insta 360 1x for moving shots ? drone?
Decision to take away the focus and effort on creating an elaborate set but rather focus it on the juxtaposition between inside and outside.

And invest in nature and drone shots, the movement - performance and THE SOUND.

SOUND will ultimately be the main thing that will make it immersive! and voiceover ..
EDIT: Because thinking of this big production has made the whole thing feel almost impossible to manage and halted me from starting. Especially because I don't have any money to go on ..
.... Still it's battling between wanting to create the most high level work with the most high level people rather than 'just creating work'. So I will hold off on choosing the performers last and storyboard every and choreography, set, location etc.
Decision: From a storytelling perspective an industrial cold-space doesn't make any sense. The idea is that the performer is alone at HOME -
so maybe even a carpeted space could create the 'room in a house feeling' it should be empty- void but it is a DOMESTIC space!
Studio Chérie - Mietstudio Berlin, Photo Studio & Production (Studio Chérie - Mietstudio Berlin, Green Screen & Production)
Camera should be at approx. 1 meter (1,05) so that it is heigh enough for the audience to feel part of the scene on eye level - but low enough for the floor to still be visible

> Another advantage of filming in full 360 VR is that I could crop into the image and adjust the level slightly in post. But it does need to be as 'right' as possible from the beginning.






Lea Franziska Simon


Director/ Choreographer/ Art director/Producer: Me

GAN sequence: Me

Drone Operator: Dominik Krämmer
Drone shooting locations
It's not so much that I want shots from high above up in the air


flying over forest roads

forest stream - along the length of the river bed

through rocks
Felsbruch ?

& a 360 shot of the drone flying through the nature - Gegenshot quasi -

but also keep in mind he will probably be filming with a normal camera so I'd need to double the footage in both directions

or get a fisheye lens
or film forward and backwards and keep a black hole at the top
similar to what I would be doing with the GANs

Option 1 :

Insta 360 1x
Option 2 :

Rent insta 360 pro

> Förderung
Option 3 :

Normal camera with fisheye lens
DJI Inspire 1
DJI Phantom 4
Location : Shooting in Berlin
Treatment - Early version
Camera - Technical
Other option is to film with a fisheye lens:
Insta 360 Pro - most professional image quality by far! 

Filming with 360 requires lots of good light!

Do keep in mind: 8k video becomes more difficult to edit!
Maybe lower quality is all I can work with in the situation of working from home..?
By filming with a 'normal camera' the image quality will most probably be best (* think of also Metahaven who filmed with a non-360 camera)
Also because you have no real depth with a 360 camera everything becomes more 'space' + all the visual elements (1) the drone (2) space /environment (3) GANs all have more of a 'non-closeness' so it would be nice to let the audience really feel nature a bit more with some close -ups in real tangible quality!

> Plan:
Rent fisheye lens
> Use location- field-trip to do some close-ups

Location field trip for drone

> Do field-trip before going to Berlin to have footage for end of March hand in?
Or return around 17/18th and film that week! 
> order lens to rent! decide on days
360 Camera options:
Free from Uni options:

Kodak pixpro sp360 4k
Insta 360 1x
Ricoh Theta
> FREE OPTION: Build small 360 cameras on to Dominik Krämmer's FPV drone

> Organise day were I could have all of them: 
Kodak pixpro sp360 4k > best bet because you can position the cameras on top and below..
Insta 360 1x
Ricoh Theta

> OTHER FREE OPTION: > Get drone from Uni? Limona?

> Rent a drone ( for a month via Grover) and have Dominik Krämmer fly it - or fly it myself ?
Solution so that it is not overly white in the dome:
Post-production, darkend, blue-ish colour-grade.
Developed Treatment: 
Schildkröten (Berlin)
The project is not only about mixing different forms of immersive experience : from full-dome to performance to fashion film / music video to immersive spatial sound.
But also using a very wide variety of media from visual to mental image, full immersive space to abstract close-up fragments, intact to mirrored and split, indoor to outdoor, real and imagined, 360 camera to drone, from macro to close-up/micro, tangible moments in real spaces to celestial-mosh-up-blurs and different screen formats in the dome.
> It's very much about experimenting within the full-dome medium to see how storytelling in the dome works.
Next step:
Narrow in on shooting time (Mitte/Ende Mai)
Formulate 1 Mail and send to all viable locations

Days in location:
Total: 2
Day 1: Set up (refrigerators, Camera test, lighting tests and rehearsal)
Day 2: Filming

Kreativfond einreichen: 

15. März


22. April

Anfangen möglich:


Film performance: 

Mitte/Ende Mai
Film = Digital presentation
Zeit Bezug = documentary of these times = aktuelle relevance
Neue Medienformate für digital = vor allem im moment wird klar das neue, spannende, innovative formate für digitale Medien benötigt werden. Die Zuschauer ( auch zuhause) inspiring und immersive in Räume und andere Welten mitnehmen! 

Corona conform= spezielle das 360° format ist im Film Bereich bemerkenswert Corona conform da anders als bei 'normalen film' kein großes team am set benötigt wird oder sein darf.
Die Kamera wird im vor hinein einmal optimal eigestellt und wenn gefilmt wird ist nur die eine Performerin im Raum und die Regie schaut remote von einem screen in einem anderen Raum.

Alle weiteren Aufnahmen werden draußen an der frischen Luft gefilmt und immer nur einzeln oder zu zweit.

> Mein Antrag ist für Förderlinie "Nachwuchs" bis 700 Euro

> Vergabekommision tagt am 21. April

Den Anträgen dürfen zwei Seiten mit Grafiken, Bildern oder
ähnlichem (keine zusätzliche textliche Ausführung) als Anlage beigefügt werden. Studierende müssen
ihren Anträgen ihre Immatrikulationsbescheinigung und ein Empfehlungsschreiben beilegen.

Der Bericht:

Darüber hinaus ist dem Ausschuss für Forschung und Projekte ein Projektbericht von
mindestens drei Seiten (elektronisch und in Papierform) einzureichen. V
Send Micky Form ASAP & give him Keywords

engagierte, motiviert, aufmerksame und interesierte Studentin
solides Grund Verständnis von Fulldome (sofern dies digital Möglich ist)
gut orientiert und fundierte Vorstellungen/Konzept/Plan und Referenzen
bringt Erfahrung in der Filmproduktion (spezielle 'Fashion Film' mit) > zu erwarten das Sie eine realistische Einschätzung der Produktion hat
ambitioniert aber realistisch/realisierbares Vorhaben
gut, ausführlich, detailliert konzipiert - klare Vorstellung - Zuversichtlich, dass es so umgesetzt werden kann /
zu erwarten dass das Projekt im beschriebenem Umfang umgesetzt wird
> Contacted

Guten Tag Liebes Schildkröten-Prinz Team,

Ich bin Medienkünstlerin und Masterstudentin der Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Für eine besondere, bevorstehende Video-Performance bin ich aktuell auf der Suche nach 2-3 Schildkröten, welche in der Performance mitwirken sollen. Der Filmdreh der Performance wird eintägig, voraussichtlich Ende Mai, in Berlin stattfinden.

Ich bin glücklicherweise durch die Performance von Anne Imhof auf Ihre Schildkröten Haltung aufmerksam geworden. Tatsächlich ist die geplante Performance mit einer Künstlerin/Darstellerin nicht unähnlich der Arbeit von Anne Imhof, weswegen ich mich besonders freuen würde, dass Ihre Schildkröten Erfahrung mit solchen Projekten haben und Sie offen für solche Kollaborationen sind!

Als Studentin ist mein aus Eigenmitteln finanziertes Film-Budget natürlich etwas begrenzt. Ich freue mich von Ihnen zuhören, welche Möglichkeiten eines Verleih der Tiere möglich sind!

Gerne können Sie mich auch unter der 015164507484 erreichen!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Kristin Jakubek
The thing is, I need a really steady image - because both for VR and fulldome a lot of motion and especially quick motion isn't good at all ! And I need the highest resolution image I can get.

I don't need any quick focus functions or effects I need a crystal clear image, solid ground and banging colours
Test footage heights in VR before filming performance

Convert footage to fulldome before filming performance

Test -post-production-colour-grade and possible filters before filming performance
Notes on Drone:

fly steady - fly level
Questions that need to be answered: 

Rent for 1 shooting day only or also for rehearsal day ? Can Macbook handle footage for viewing?

Position in room? centre of room? edge of room?
This depends on point of view positioning in dome - probably centre is most 'natural'
Depends very much on room? In Kronenboden more on side?
In Glogauair definitly complete centre!

Height of a person? Most natural?
A little lower than eye-height - get be closer to the floor where the main action happens - but not feeling like youron the floor looking up and everything becomes huge ..
Play - soundtrack on set to create correct mood

How to record sound?


All around the camera? or focused in SOUTH/FRONT area of the dome
Action kept low to floor

How long are the takes? > playing for 1 take situation? > To have one 'best take' of each performance
How close - how far from camera ?

Have a performance storyboard - which poses - which sequence exactly
with duration
*ask friends for ashtrays
Colour-palette for props!!
Quer durch Berlin vs. Alle von einem Ort außerhalb ?

Wer kann helfen? Transporter benötigt?
All white or do I want a dark one?
Will there be notes etc, on the fridge?

3 große oder mehrere kleine?
different sizes? shapes? styles? or all , all white?
Glogauair is very white so nicer if fridges are different colours!
Also: Maybe consider putting in a carpet?
ROOM 1: has a sink in the room! I love a fucking sink in a room! ( would you even see it because of fridges though?)
It has both domestic and surrealist qualities and DOESN'T look like a gallery > I can see it here much better than at Kronenboden

- canÄt do carpet with saugrobot

The whiter the space the clearer the movements become visible.
+ the brighter the outfit/not all black = the clearer the movement

actions should be in a way that you can see the face - + HAIR should leave face quite visible

Can't play music during performance because we need the sound from the scene
'Acting ' too annoyed; then it would become acting but performance always ensues with an air of aloof - so no over-acting
Maybe you could do a little bun and have some strains falling out in the front?
Dye with hair colour spray?
Scene 1: lights on turtle?!

Scene 2: selfie-light on face!

Action - mainly takes place in south of dome for a one-take option
but we'll do other - shorter sequences to possibly layer

still unclear how to end scene 2 ? transition to GANs
Discuss also option to film some close-ups for layering with normal camera by Leon ?
Edit in Insta 360studio
Flow stabilistaion ON

Dynamic Stitching blends light situations from front and back lenses
fix 30 fps in Aftereffects
Effects: maybe layer-effects just for transitions
Ggf. ein spannender visueller effect der Natur stellenweise die Farbe zu entziehen
Hosting material

Vimeo 360
> professional
> easy upload
> fits nicely into my account
> provides link that can be shared
> creates social sharing linkes also to Facebook and Youtube

> do a test and send it to Anna from Kultusymposium?
> or do a 16:9 adaptation

for proper VR film to be viewed on glasses!
VR adaptation
How to present Material for Kultursymposium ?!
As a full 360° video would prime it for VR viewing - essentially creating the VR adaptation.
> This requires masking the tripod e.g.

> Or a 16:9 version of a 'unusual' 360 view?
> Or a cropped 16:9

> Or the Fulldome version in the dome simulator - but this I find the least intuitive and ugliest option - but maybe it works nicely if you just have the bottom black - without a grid?
I do quite like this version because it is slightly removed from
'normal viewing' but still 16:9

If I choose to do 16:9 I should work in Premier? 
The thing is, although this could work - the quality of the image when reduced is really not that great .. so it does make sense to have it as 360° footage as is the plan - question is also though - how does that work for creating '360' out of 'nothing' for the drone and GAN sequence ???

select footage and create a sequence (In After Effects or Premier?)
colour grade that footage
mask the tripod in that footage
To have an own - animal like character - to approach something with intent
to look at something close up - out of curiosity - and then to 'zoom' away in one swuft, straight , mechanical motion
things with texture
as slow and smooth as possible
If I decide to do a full 360° video for Goethe - where to edit? in Premier? Write Mohammad?

or Aftereffects to be able to create equirectangualr to convert to VR ?

I can image to mix styles :
full 360° video for the performance -part
+ one 3 dimensional feeling flat frame to the front in a dark space for the drone
or a loop around the viewer in 4 parts or 2 parts

+ singular GAN sequences .. spaced in the 3D space
Plan for Renderingtimes
1st Rendering
final Rendering

Plan for Feedback moments

Plan for Marketing - Promotion - Posters
Estimate the workload
Settings used
Full FOV

Anweisung: Hoirzont vermeiden
> 'pure nature' 'Sureal space'

surveillance drone like an animal or fighter game
Fulldome testing
Viewing insights/takeaways/conclusions

> positioning as low and as close to the outer edge is possible and works

> resolution in general is disappointing but also equalising >
the insta xone footage looks similarly good to the Insta Pro footage

> Mavic Drone Footage has no detail, no resolution clarity

> Warping solutions with holes at centre do not have good effect

> Always cover the entire dome space
> Masking collage can work
Slow down GAN transitions to show a place fully
Accept pixelated quality?
recreate blob and mask
It feels it bit flat right now .. maybe I can highly enhance the GAN by creating it in 3D somehow? For the 'darkness moments'?
Check all the takes if I have the best ones selected

Option: Swap in first scene for the more active 59_31
Or double with _28 walking in other direction - so there are two walking from fridge in different directions at the same time

Scene 1: layer in the video footage ? breaking the room? 

3D blender the title again

Dramaturgie Ablauf:
Title in 3d with film by Kristin Jakubek underneath
10 seconds nature in total darkness : painting mental picture
inside of this mental forest landscape a girl suddenly opens a fridge (twisting rooms into each other)
Girl reads poem in first space
space fades into nature
nature fades seamlessly into other nature fades seamlessly into GAN
>> Can I add more transitions here? Are they needed and do they add to the pace of the spaces or isn't it nicer to let people be in the space for a moment and let that give more the effect

Continued Post-production
That means for me: I need to have my file finished (And Colourgradet) AND FULLY RENDERED - BEFORE I GO TO BERLIN!!

16th - Preview: mostly done - small changes can still be done but mostly finished

Protools tutorial - use trial version > to create sounds

spatial sound designer plug-in in Protools tutorial > book Uni-studio - book with JC - moodel chart?

In the end 14 (mono) files that need to be named in a certain way to be specific for the speaker

Preview: filling, quality, get the story - as finished as possible

5.1 audio file already has great spatialisation (most of the time 5.1 is enough) in Jena we have the 30spatial sound system

sense sharpness 60 fps the footage looks sharper

JULY 12TH 13-15UHR
option : dji mavic windows in the space

colour correction

render highest bitrate - in insta studio
h.265 - no colour-grain or colourgrade - bitrate as high as possible

bitrate - interpret footage ( not necessary) 

walking through the footage- feeling small next to the woods
go into dark
people look into different parts of the space

the environment should be clear

VR rotation AE - match y axis
clean effect

stamp tool in AE 

most important things that are happening should be south
but also use the quality of the dome

slow down the forest footage

snow to green (Mohammad said was very good) 
morphing was too fast

render it with higher bit (Juro said he will render 16 bit)

happening off- centre also because the projector is blocking so it is nice to use the projection-surface more diplomatically

action related to real life view

Title +
Sec : 1-10 nature sounds - mental image forest

Fridge open scene 1
performance scene 1 - multiple persons
Gantransition into nature

Intro: Mental image with sound

Opens fridge- fade in to room? 
Tiny planet transition to fast and also too abrupt

Use the time you have to tell/show the strongest parts
Let Scenes stand so that the viewer can get immersed and get into the space

Don't need starting frame empty? Too short to have the 'orientation effect' it was suppose to?

Instead start first scene with Iris by fading her in? (create an 'empty' from this scene by 'earasing' her out

Let Iris on phone appear later - done
let Iris on floor next to fridge appear earlier - done
Use fade in speed of Iris on floor
Clean up mask on Iris feet on floor - done

second drone flight too slow

The blob-entity stays form the moment it arrives
it becomes larger and smaller
Eventually it grows so large that it overtakes the screen

in the second scene the GAN blob moves the audiences view to see up to 3 versions of her

consider using the 'word altering VR swipe' for the final transition to GANS

The final GAN environment needs to hold steady for a while at the end

second scene - multiple 'hers' with blob above her

Fade in all scens or enter with swipe

Use the flight footage as proper videogame - nightvision footage
- possibility to add a 'wobbling entity'?
Audio: WAV

(export via AE 48.000khz 16 bit)

Bitrate CBR
Higher or High
14 or 20
Colourgrade - Fulldome